Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Gym Diary: Thursday, May 30, 2013

     Priorities, priorities, priorities!  The doctors said I had experienced an epidermal cyst rupture.  The rupture was the reason why the bump was turning red.  He urged immediate treatment (through surgery), so I agreed to go under full anesthesia and let the work be done.  I'll have to wait about a month before I can have the epidermal cyst removed (if I choose to have it removed).  Then, I'll be in the USA.

     Anyway, I guess I'll have to postpone gym time until the doctor says it's okay to return.

Gym Diary: Wednesday, June 29, 2013

     You know that bump on my back that I've been talking about?  Well, I spent some time exploring on the internet and found that it (lipoma) wasn't so uncommon.  I even watched a few videos on Youtube about doctors removing it.  So, last night, I decided to just walk (no appointment) into the hospital and, again, ask a doctor about it.  Because it had begun to turn red in color, he urged that I have surgery NOW to avoid infection.  My boss was really surprised when I called her after waking up at my recovery table to tell her I would be a little late for work.

     I guess I'll be resting a few days from Gym.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Gym Diary: Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Workout Summary:
  1. standing twists 50/50
  2. bicycle crunches 30 rev's
  3. leg raise crunches 25
  4. standing twists 50/50
  5. bicycle crunches 40 rev's
  6. leg raise crunches 25
  7. standing twists 50/50
  8. bicycle crunches 40 rev's
  9. leg raise crunches 25
  10. chest flat bench barbell press 60 x 10
  11. 60 x 11
  12. 60 x 11
  13. 60 x 9
  14. seated twists on Swiss 50/50
  15. chest flye machine 20 x 9
  16. crunches calves on Swiss 40
  17. seated twists on Swiss 50/50
  18. chest flye machine 20 x 10
  19. crunches calves on Swiss 40
  20. seated twists on Swiss 50/50
  21. chest flye machine 20 x 9
  22. crunches calves on Swiss 40
  23. seated twists on Swiss 50/50
  24. chest flye machine 20 x 9
  25. crunches calves on Swiss 40
  26. shoulder machine press 6 x 15
  27. triceps rope push downs 8 x 15
  28. good mornings 0 x 20
  29. side bends 0 x 20/20
  30. triceps rope push downs 8 x 16
  31. good mornings 0 x 20
  32. side bends 0 x 20/20
  33. triceps rope push downs 8 x 18
  34. good mornings 0 x 20
  35. side bends 0 x 20/20
  36. triceps rope push downs 8 x 17
  37. good mornings 0 x 20
  38. side bends 0 x 20/20

     I used that ball and stick a lot today!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Gym Diary for Friday, May 24, 2013

     I must write report cards for each of my students to receive next week.  In them, I will announce that they will have a new foreign teacher soon, because I will be returning to the USA.  Hmm!  I think I will give each student all "excellent" remarks.  Yea!

Workout Summary:
  1. good mornings 0 x 20
  2. side bends 0 x 20/20
  3. standing twists 50/50
  4. lying straight leg raise crunches 25
  5. good mornings 0 x 20
  6. side bends 0 x 20/20
  7. standing twists 50/50
  8. lying straight leg raise crunches 25
  9. good mornings 0 x 20
  10. side bends 0 x 20/20
  11. standing twists 50/50
  12. lying straight leg raise crunches 25
  13. core barbell half squats 30 x 14
  14. shoulder dumbbell flyes 8 x 10
  15. lying bent knee crunches 30
  16. core barbell half squats 30 x 15
  17. shoulder dumbbell flyes 8 x 10
  18. lying bent knee crunches 35
  19. core barbell half squats 30 x 15
  20. shoulder dumbbell flyes 8 x 12
  21. lying bent knee crunches 40
  22. core standing plate lifts 15 x 7/7
  23. core lying plate pull over 15 x 20
  24. butt push up 30
  25. core standing plate lifts 15 x 8/8
  26. core lying plate pull over 15 x 25
  27. butt push up 35
  28. core standing plate lift 15 x 8/8
  29. core lying plate pull over 15 x 25
  30. butt push ups 35
  31. calves barbell raises 60 x 25
  32. bicycle crunches 30 rev's
  33. calves barbell raises 60 x 25
  34. bicycle crunches 35 rev's
  35. calves barbell raises 60 x 25
  36. bicycle crunches 40 rev's

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Gym Diary: Thursday, May 23, 2013

     I asked the gym master if I could get a reading from his body composition analyzing machine.  I don't how much faith I should put into such machines.  Still, it was a free thing, and I was curious.  Its readout said that my body fat was 11 %  and muscles made up 50% of my body weight of 72.5 kg.  At 55.5 years of age, I guess I'm okay.

Workout Summary:
  1. twists seated on a Swiss ball 50/50
  2. crunches calves on Swiss 40
  3. standing side bends 23 x 20/20
  4. twists seated on a Swiss ball 50/50
  5. crunches calves on Swiss 46
  6. standing side bends 23 x 23/23
  7. twists seated on a Swiss ball 50/50
  8. crunches calves on Swiss 47
  9. standing side bends 23 x 23/23
  10. leg extensions 9 x 12
  11. plank (shins on Swiss) 82 seconds
  12. leg curls 9 x 10
  13. leg extensions 9 x 13
  14. plank 90 seconds
  15. leg curls 9 x 10
  16. leg extensions 10 x 12
  17. plank 90 seconds
  18. leg curls 9 x 10
  19. inverted rows 12
  20. chest flat bench barbell press 60 x 10
  21. Swiss Pike Peak 10
  22. inverted rows 12
  23. chest flat bench barbell press 70 x 7
  24. Swiss Pike Peak 11
  25. inverted rows 12
  26. chest flat bench barbell press 65 x 9
  27. Swiss Pike Peak 11
  28. chest flat bench 60 x 9
  29. biceps alternating curls 18 x 8
  30. Swiss crunches 12
  31. chest flat bench 60 x 9
  32. biceps alternating curls 18 x 8
  33. Swiss crunches 16
  34. chest flat bench 60 x 10
  35. biceps alternating curls 18 x 8
  36. Swiss crunches 12
  37. chest flye machine 8 x 23
  38. 11 x 15
  39. 13 x 12

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Gym Diary: Wednesday, May 22, 2013

     Workout Summary:
  1. core barbell half squats 40 x 17
  2. lying straight leg raise crunches 30
  3. core barbell half squats 40 x 17
  4. lying straight leg raise crunches 30
  5. core barbell half squats 40 x 17
  6. lying straight leg raise crunches 30
  7. shoulder straight arm plate pull up 15 x 8 left, 8 right
  8. core lying straight arm pull over 15 x 25
  9. double crunches 15
  10. shoulder straight arm plate pull up 15 x 8 / 8
  11. core lying straight arm pull over 15 x 20
  12. double crunches 17
  13. shoulder straight arm plate pull up 15 x 8 / 8
  14. core lying straight arm pull over 15 x 25
  15. double crunches 17
  16. shoulder machine press 8 x 13
  17. core wheel roll out 10
  18. shoulder machine press 9 x 15
  19. core wheel roll out 10
  20. shoulder machine press 12 x 8
  21. core wheel roll out 10
  22. calves barbell raises 70 x 16
  23. crunches on Swiss elevated feet anchored 12
  24. calves barbell raises 70 x 19
  25. crunches on Swiss elevated feet anchored 16
  26. calves barbell raises 70 x 18
  27. crunches on Swiss elevated feet anchored 15
  28. core good mornings 0 x 20
  29. core crunches (calves on a bench) 40
  30. core good mornings 20 x 20
  31. core crunches 51
  32. core good mornings 25 x 15
  33. core crunches 55

Sunday, May 19, 2013

10 Best Foods To Eat Post-Workout

10 Best Foods To Eat Post-Workout

Gym Diary for Monday, May 20, 2013

See that horizontal bar behind the yellow ball?  I did some crunches by sitting my thighs on the ball, placing my feet under that bar, and then leaning back horizontal to the green mat.  I used my abs to bend forward.  The ball provide me with plenty of under support.  The crunches were challenging this way, but I enjoyed doing them, and I enjoyed the rush I got from doing each set.

     See that stick on the mat?  When I did straight leg raise crunches, I placed that stick in my hands which I extended straight behind (not under) my head.  My feet were just off the mat near the window.  Then, keeping my legs straight, I lifted my legs straight up and over my body toward the bench and returning to starting position, using my abs to control as much of the motion as possible.

     After doing that, I sat on the bench for some twists (holding the stick behind my neck).

      After each set of barbell presses, I used that same bench to do double crunches.

Workout Summary:
  1. barbell half squats 40 x 12
  2. crunches on Swiss 15
  3. alternating dumbbell curls 12 x 12 / 12
  4. barbell half squats 40 x 12
  5. crunches on Swiss 15
  6. alternating dumbbell curls 12 x 12 / 12
  7. barbell half squats 40 x 12
  8. crunches on Swiss 15
  9. alternating dumbbell curls 12 x 12 / 12
  10. bent over rows 35 x 10
  11. straight leg raise crunches 20
  12. seated twists 100
  13. bent over rows 35 x 10
  14. straight leg raise crunches 25
  15. seated twists 100
  16. bent over rows 35 x 11
  17. straight leg raise crunches 25
  18. seated twists 100
  19. chest flat bench barbell presses 60 x 9
  20. double crunches 15
  21. straight arm cable pull downs 6 x 20
  22. chest flat bench barbell presses 60 x 10
  23. double crunches 15
  24. straight arm cable pull downs 8 x 18
  25. chest flat bench barbell presses 60 x 10
  26. double crunches 15
  27. straight arm cable pull downs 10 x 14
  28. biceps machine preacher arm curls 11 x 8
  29. chest flye machine 20 x 10
  30. biceps machine preacher arm curls 11 x 9
  31. chest flye machine 20 x 10
  32. biceps machine preacher arm curls 11 x 8
  33. chest flye machine 20 x 9