Thursday, December 20, 2012

Gym Diary: Thursday, December 20, 2012

     Ok!  So word has it that the end of the world will occur on tomorrow! (which is today here in South Korea )

     I wasn't the only one in the locker room, so I didn't any poses there.  This will have to do.  Here I am in the new sleeping pants given to me for my birthday #55.

Workout Summary:

  1. flat bench chest press 40 x 14
  2. 40 x 13
  3. 50 x 11
  4. 60 x 10
  5. 60 x 10
  6. seated rows 11 x 14
  7. 11 x 13
  8. 11 x 11
  9. 11 x 9
  10. incline bench chest press 30 x 14
  11. 40 x 11
  12. 50 x 8
  13. 50 x 8
  14. bent over barbell rows 30 x 10
  15. 30 x 14
  16. 30 x 14
  17. leg raises 17
  18. crunches 17
  19. straight bar arm curls 15 x 9
  20. leg raises 17
  21. crunches 22
  22. straight bar arm curls 15 x 10
  23. leg raises 17
  24. crunches 30
  25. straight bar arm curls 15 x 10

Monday, December 17, 2012

Gym Diary: Tuesday, December 18, 2012

     Lately, I have been walking to the gym.  It has taken only fifteen to twenty minutes.  I've enjoyed walking and seeing stuff along the way.

     This week has been a bit unusual, because on one day I went to a bank to exchange some currency in preparation for my trip to the USA, and on another day it was election day in Korea so the gym wasn't open.  No problem!  I intended to rest a bit before my flight on the weekend.

     Next week, I'll be in the USA visiting my family, so I won't be going to a gym at all.  Will I post anything to my gym diary.  Who knows?

    Actually, it was the day before this day that I did the following.
  1. flat bench chest press 30 x 16
  2. 30 x 14
  3. 50 x 10
  4. 50 x 11
  5. 50 x 10
  6. barbell bent over rows 30 x 10
  7. 30 x 13
  8. 40 x 10
  9. 45 x 9
  10. straight arm dumbbell lifts 3 x 20
  11. 3 x 20
  12. 3 x 20
  13. 3 x 20
  14. crunches (butt on a ball) 20 x 11
  15. 20 x 12  (I held a 20 kg barbell plate)
  16. 20 x 11
  17. 20 x 11
  18. flye machine 20 x 11
  19. 20 x 12
  20. 20 x 11
  21. 20 x 12
  22. straight bar arm curls 10 x 10
  23. 10 x 11
  24. 10 x 11
  25. 10 x 11
  26. crunches (calves on a ball) 35
  27. 30
  28. 40
  29. 30

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Gym Diary: Friday, December 14, 2012

     I did not go to gym yesterday.  I visit my doctor for my regular blood pressure check up and prescription refill.  As the numbers in the above picture indicate, it looks like we doing a great job keeping my blood pressure managed.  

     It's been a rainy day today.  That mixed with cold temperatures and the snow still on the ground made walking to gym more difficult than usual.  I kept my workout shorter than usual, because I was asked by my co-workers to meet with them for lunch at a certain time at a certain place.

Workout Summary:

  1. flat bench chest press 40 x 14
  2. 50 x 11
  3. 60 x 8
  4. 50 x 10
  5. 40 x 11
  6. 30 x 15
  7. seated rows 10 x 16
  8. 11 x 10
  9. 12 x 10
  10. 12 x 9
  11. 11 x 9
  12. 10 x 9
  13. shoulder machine 9 x 13
  14. 10 x 9
  15. 11 x 8
  16. 10 x 9
  17. 9 x 8
  18. lateral pull downs 9 x 15
  19. 10 x 10
  20. 11 x 9
  21. 10 x 9
  22. 9 x 11
  23. scissor crunches 14
  24. 12
  25. 13
  26. 14
  27. 12
  28. straight bar arm curls 10 x 7
  29. 10 x 9
  30. 10 x 12
  31. 10 x 11
  32. 10 x 11
  33. cable triceps push downs 12 x 10
  34. 13 x 14
  35. 13 x 12
  36. 13 x 12
  37. 13 x 13


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Gym Diary: Wednesday, December 12, 2012

     I was looking at my upper back, not my arms or anything else.

     I have a gym buddy.  He speaks no English and I speak no Korean.  When we're at the gym at the same time, we cheer each other.  On this day, he volunteered to use my camera and take pictures while I did some squats.  I'm glad he did.  It's one way I can check my performance.  

Workout Summary:
  1. dips 15
  2. 12
  3. 11
  4. 10
  5. lateral pull downs 11 x 13
  6. 12 x 9
  7. 12 x 8
  8. 12 x 8
  9. squats 30 x 12
  10. scissor crunches 12
  11. shoulder machine 9 x 12
  12. squats 30 x 12
  13. scissor crunches 12
  14. shoulder machine 10 x 12
  15. squats 30 x 12
  16. scissor crunches 12
  17. shoulder machine 11 x 11
  18. squats 30 x 11
  19. scissor crunches 12
  20. shoulder machine 11 x 9
  21. seated rows 10 x 11
  22. leg extensions 11 x 6
  23. straight arm dumbbell front lifts 3 x 6 (each side)
  24. seated rows 11 x 10
  25. leg extensions 10 x 8
  26. straight arm dumbbell front lifts 3 x 8
  27. seated rows 12 x 10
  28. leg extensions 10 x 10
  29. straight arm dumbbell front lifts 3 x 8
  30. seated rows 13 x 9
  31. leg extensions 10 x 10
  32. straight arm dumbbell front lifts 3 x 8

Lateral Pull Downs

Triceps Push Downs on Cable

Arm Curls on a Preacher Machine

Monday, December 10, 2012

Seated Rows

Butt Machine

Leg Curls

Leg Extensions

Gym Diary: Tuesday, December 11, 2012

     It turned out that I didn't have to attend the meeting for foreign teachers after all.  Why?  I don't know.  But, gee!  I'd been here for 48 months.  Why did I need to attend such a meeting now?

     Anyway, I walked to the gym again, and I'm glad I did due to no other reason than the fact I enjoyed the walk.

     Basically, I included a mix of upper body exercises in this day's workout.

Workout Summary:

  1. Preacher machine arm curls 8 x 9
  2. 8 x 10
  3. 10 x 9
  4. 10 x 10
  5. 12 x 6
  6. Flye machine 20 x 8
  7. 20 x 8
  8. 20 x 7
  9. 20 x 7
  10. 20 x 7
  11. Straight leg raises (lying on a floor mat) 16
  12. Preacher bar triceps extensions 15 x 9
  13. Barbell bent over rows 30 x 11
  14. Straight leg raises 16
  15. Preacher bar triceps extensions 15 x 9
  16. Barbell bent over rows 30 x 12
  17. Straight leg raises 17
  18. Preacher bar triceps extensions 15 x 9
  19. Barbell bent over rows 30 x 12
  20. Straight leg raises 17
  21. Preacher bar triceps extensions 15 x 11
  22. Barbell bent over rows 30 x 11